Monday, May 18, 2015

New Beginnings - New Adventures

Well, it is coming up on a year since I last posted in my blog.  What a crazy 2014 it was.  The year started out OK, but toward the end of Spring we could tell our old well was going dry, succumbing to the great California drought.  We were just finishing up on some construction projects and then had to dig a new well.  For about three months we were living on bottled water, prepared food and driving an hour to our daughter's home to do laundry.  Fortunately, we have a good contractor who used his influence to squeeze us in on this unexpected construction.  All this craziness bumped up my blood pressure, which eventually landed me in the hospital a couple days for observation of possible heart problems.  Well, the rest of the year was spent seeing my regular doctor, a cardiologist and an opthalmologist.  The eyesight has not cleared up entirely and I try not to do night driving, we are still in a deep drought, but things could be a LOT worse.  I am thankful for life and that I am able to enjoy my fabric and thread work projects. 

So, I did not achieve much the last six months in 2014, and I wanted a new direction for 2015.  When I was working, it was a pleasure to relax in the evening with  "non thinking" projects.  Machine embroidery provided a nice interlude from hand embroidery - it was quick.  Counted cross stitch is my mainstay, however I wanted to add to my repertoire.  There is not much reward in watching a machine embroider versus the freedom of being able to create and manipulate designs by hand.  For that matter, I am always looking at traditional quilting with an eye toward manipulation, too.  Well, just as I embarked on education during my working career, I decided education was going to be my focus in retirement.

As luck would have it, one of my friends wanted to attend Empty Spools Seminars at Asilomar on the Monterey coast.  She asked if I would be interested in going with her for a 5 day seminar end of April and I leaped at the chance to not only learn a new technique, but enjoy an ocean setting.  The class I chose (there were not many choices left by the time we decided to attend) was an Innovative Organza and Mixed Media Collage class offered by Esterita Austin.  This was something totally new to me, as I don't think of myself as a fiber artist or a painter.  Well, I surprised myself with the "almost" finished product.  I want to do another version or two, or three and then choose which to finish with quilting and backing. 

We started out with our own photograph.  Naturally, for someone who has no painting experience, I chose a difficult subject for a first try.  I was about ready to scrap the whole thing, but kept at it.  The rock wall, looks like a rock wall and the roses look like roses.  I can see this spot in my garden.  I am pleased with the result for never having painted before.  This piece is about 17" x 22".  The technique is not hard.  Now to invest in some Lumeire metallic fabric paints, as these worked best in the transfer/fusing process.

 The above two photographs were the models for my art project. 

 My friend and I had so much fun this year at Asilomar, we have already chosen our 2016 seminar choices.  I do have to add that the quilt artists all step outside the norm in their creations, something I truly enjoy.  Many include embroidery (machine and hand), crochet, sequins, beads and other glitz in their quilts - and I thought I was strange.  So nice to be with kindred spirits. 

Making a decision on what to do in hand embroidery is a little harder.  I wanted to join an embroidery guild last year.  The nearest one to me is Hanging by a Thread Chapter EGA.  It is over an hour drive up and down curvy mountain roads.  The eyesight issue and not driving at night put a stop to that.  I am thinking of becoming a Member at Large, but there are other educational opportunities I am still researching.  In the meantime, the Internet is my saving grace.  I found Mary Corbett's Needle 'N Thread website and her wonderful stitch videos for a starting point.

Several years ago I picked up a copy of the "Inspirations"  embroidery magazine.  It is quite expensive, but I took the plunge and started my subscription.  I have seen so many of the premiere embroidery magazines come and go.  I hope with the resurgence of hand embroidery, this magazine will stay in publication.  The projects are absolutely beautiful.

I have also updated my library with books by needle artist Trish Burr and Hazel Blomkamp, plus several other instructional books on Candlewick, White Work, Stumpwork, Beading, Silk Ribbon Embroidery, Brazilian Embroidery and other general interest technique publications.

Now, I am all set for the next 20 years!!!

I've been playing around with my projects......nothing really in mind other than to play with stitches and thread and practice, practice practice.  I won't show my doodles, they are really messy and it takes a while to translate right handed videos to a left handed person!!!  Here are a couple practice pieces.......

A little scissor keep I made.  Practicing my bullion knots.

A couple counted cross stitch pin cushions using some odds and ends.  I did beaded Palestrina Knot stitch around the perimeter of the cushions.

Another counted cross stitch pin cushion.  I was going to put this on an embroidered and quilted project case, but it turned out too large.  It is calling for some additional embellishments to spice it up a bit, but for right now, she looks nice setting on my work table. 


I love hearts!!   This heart has beads, a machine tatted center medallion , and some star sequins.

And a little swirly heart with lots of stuff going on.  I have since found a technique for making beautiful dragonfly wings I want to try later on.           

Last, but not least.......I did complete one custom quilt this year, finished some hand embroidery on a full size kit quilt, and several other small custom jobs. 

This is a twin size quilt for a special little granddaughter.  Can you guess what she likes?  It is embellished with scattered rhinestones, machine embroidered princesses, lace, ribbon and a personalization.


That about brings me up to date.  One year in one blog post.  Hope to make a few more as I get going on my projects, not just practice pieces. 

Peace and Joy,